Bronwyn's Library Blog

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Managing E-Resources

ALIA ARCoM and Libraries Australia are pleased to announce a seminar on Managing E-Resources.

Date - 27th July 2006
Time - 10.00am - 1.00pm
Venue - State Library Lecture Theatre
Cost - $30, Concession $15.
Morning tea included

The program will include presentations from

* vendors about electronic resource publishing and electronic resource management tools

* South Australian libraries and Libraries Australia about currentpractice in managing e-resources.

The seminar is a general information session exploring the management of e-resources , and is aimed at anyone who deals with electronic resources. A program will be circulated when finalised.

In the meantime, for more information contact Tom Snook, ARCoM Convenor and Metadata and Acquisitions Services Librarian Flinders University

Ph: +61(8) 8201 2083Fax: +61(8) 8201 2508
Email: tom dot snook at flinders dot edu dot au


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